Resource Library

Wrapped in God's Love

Resource from Ecumenical Stewardship Center Archives
Resource Library

Wrapped in God's Love

Wrapped in God’s Love is A Milestone Ministry Resource developed by the Canadian Interchurch Stewardship Committee. 

A milestones ministry is the celebration of significant transitions along life’s journey. It is the intentional marking, through the use of ritual, symbol, and response, of significant moments of change and growth in people’s lives. Celebrating milestones strengthens and nurtures the faith of both those who are experiencing the milestone, as well as the entire faith community. 


This resource, published by the Canadian Interchurch Stewardship Committee, was introduced at a workshop at the 2004 North American Stewardship Conference in Toronto with participant input from several test congregations, the 2005 Associated Presbyterian Church Educators, and the 2006 United Church Kananaskis Stewardship Event. Their recommendations are incorporated into the final draft. 

DATE: January 2, 2012
TOPIC: Fundraising Practice
TYPE: Learning Tool
SOURCE: Ecumenical Stewardship Center Archives
KEYWORDS: Stewardship