Your Money, Your Goals
Your Money, Your Goals
Your Money, Your Goals is a free resource from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Your Money, Your Goals is a set of financial empowerment materials for organizations that help people meet their financial goals by increasing their knowledge, skills, and resources.
Resources for the people you serve
Toolkit: The toolkit has information that helps you have the money conversation with the people you serve. Use the tools to help achieve goals and work through challenges.
Booklets to help talk about money: Use these bright, interactive booklets to easily help people begin to address common financial stressors.
Companion guides: Companion guides have specific information for populations with unique needs.
Online Resources: CFPB consolidated the websites referenced in the Your Money, Your Goals materials to make them easier to access and share.
Resources for practitioners
Training and implementation: CFPB has everything you need to bring Your Money, Your Goals to your organization. Review their Implementation Guide, watch the trainer videos, adapt the training slides, and you’re on your way.
Videos to spark action: Show these short videos to introduce a topic and connect it to a specific action with our tools and handouts.
Co-brand the booklets: Use the professional print files to add your logo to our booklets and have them printed locally. Or if you need more copies, print them as they are.
Insights, a bi-weekly e-newsletter, is a resource for the religious community and fundraisers of faith-based organizations that provides:
- Reflections on important developments in the field of faith and giving
- Recommended books, studies and articles
- Upcoming Lake Institute events