Live Courageously Companion Resource
Live Courageously Companion Resource
Live Courageously is a companion resource for Giving Magazine Volume 20.
The Live Courageously theme is the fourth in a four-year emphasis that focuses on I Timothy 6:18-19, take hold of the life that really is life. (Other themes are Live Free, Live Simply, and Live Generously.) This text, along with Psalm 31:24, are the scriptures uplifted in the Live Courageously theme.
Giving Magazine was a premier stewardship resource published by the Ecumenical Stewardship Center (ESC) from 1999 until 2020. The magazine served Christian faith communities throughout North America, providing thoughtful, practical, and inspirational content on faith and giving from thought leaders and practitioners alike. Giving was published annually from 1999 until 2018 (volumes 1-20), and then quarterly in 2019 and 2020 (volumes 21-28) in digital form only. In 2021 ESC closed its doors and committed its archives to the care of Lake Institute on Faith & Giving. For further information on ESC or its archives, please contact us at
Insights, a bi-weekly e-newsletter, is a resource for the religious community and fundraisers of faith-based organizations that provides:
- Reflections on important developments in the field of faith and giving
- Recommended books, studies and articles
- Upcoming Lake Institute events