Beth McMullen Daniel explores how the Faithful Generosity Story Shelf powered by Lake Institute on Faith & Giving provides a beacon of hope and innovation for faith communities.

Insights, a bi-weekly e-newsletter, is a resource for the religious community and fundraisers of faith-based organizations.
Insights provides:
Beth McMullen Daniel explores how the Faithful Generosity Story Shelf powered by Lake Institute on Faith & Giving provides a beacon of hope and innovation for faith communities.
George Shears III, D.Min. discusses the critical role philanthropy plays in sustaining the Black church.
David King and Elizabeth Lynn discuss the resources faith leaders need in order to make crucial turns on the shifting ground of faith and giving today.
Elizabeth Lynn and David King discuss what faith leaders can do in response to the reported changes in faith and giving.
Giving USA 2024 reports that giving to religion has not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels.
Newest Giving in Faith report uncovers insights in faith-based generosity: Four key insights on faith and giving
Salwa Tareen writes about the legacy of humanitarian, Abdul Sattar Edhi, and the rise of dissident care.
Andrew Whitehead offers a way for congregational leaders to leverage free online data resources to discover their community and what they need.
Fr. Juan J. Molina Flores sees generosity with new eyes after participating in a Lake Institute gathering with Hispanic faith leaders.
Meredith McNabb emphasizes that while endowments offer congregations freedom and fuel for the future, they don't guard against change.
Insights, a bi-weekly e-newsletter, is a resource for the religious community and fundraisers of faith-based organizations that provides: