Melissa Spas writes about Lake Institute’s commitment to develop new partnerships and resources with BIPOC leaders and organizations
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Insights Newsletter
Lake Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship recipient, Esra Tunc, contemplates an “otherwise” philanthropy, which centers the communities in which they seek to serve.
Elizabeth Lynn names the economic challenges and possibilities in the work of religious leaders.
Amir Pasic, Eugene R. Tempel Dean of the IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, reflects on the theme of our upcoming Thomas H. Lake Lecture.
Rabbi Jason Bonder reflects on what he learned in the Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising course and how he was invited to see his work in a new light.
James A. Harnish takes the wisdom about money from an 18th century preacher and connects it to the complex world we live in today.
Rabbi Adam Miller explains how his congregation moved from a dues to a pledging model by focusing on the importance of relationships.
Roohi Younus, program manager with the Muslim Philanthropy Initiative, reminds us that Ramadan is all about giving and thinking abundantly.
David P. King, PhD shares highlights from the recent Covid-19 Congregational Study noting the many struggles congregations and their leaders are facing.
Insights, a bi-weekly e-newsletter, is a resource for the religious community and fundraisers of faith-based organizations that provides:
- Reflections on important developments in the field of faith and giving
- Recommended books, studies and articles
- Upcoming Lake Institute events