Meredith McNabb reflects on her spiritual direction training and how it connects with Lake Institute's work in fundraising.
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Insights Newsletter
Allison K. Ralph, associate director of Religion & Society at the Aspen Institute, unpacks funder questions and concerns about faith-inspired grantees.
David P. King, Ph.D. invites religious leaders to ask the essential questions that will lead organizations to deeper clarity of mission.
Meredith McNabb reminds us that generosity is learned, which means we all have a role to play in teaching the younger generations.
Melissa Spas explains what a learning organization is and how it can turn toward sustainability.
Shariq Siddiqui Ph.D. and Rafeel Wasif Ph.D. highlight important data from the Muslim American Giving 2021 report.
Stephanie Clintonia Boddie, PhD, MSW shares her reflections and research on giving back in the Black Church tradition.
Jacqueline Ackerman of the Women’s Philanthropy Institute uses data on women’s giving to inform organizational considerations ahead of GivingTuesday.
Melissa Spas reflects on what a seemingly dormant season can provide.
Insights, a bi-weekly e-newsletter, is a resource for the religious community and fundraisers of faith-based organizations that provides:
- Reflections on important developments in the field of faith and giving
- Recommended books, studies and articles
- Upcoming Lake Institute events