
Supporting Academic Research, Public Scholarship, and Practical Training

Lake Institute helps to promote the emerging field of faith and philanthropy through multiple fellowship opportunities. We support graduate students through Graduate Assistantships at the IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy as well as an annual dissertation scholarship. We promote the work of young and established scholars through research collaborations and workshops on issues in the field of faith and giving. We continue to strive to make our Professional Development affordable to as many leaders as possible through raising scholarship support.

Lake Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

This one-year grant is given annually to support a graduate student whose research engages and intersects issues within religion and philanthropy or faith and giving. It is intended to support the final year of dissertation writing for a doctoral candidate at a U.S. graduate school.


Lake Institute Network of Emerging Scholars (LINES)

LINES gathering was established to create, foster, and sustain an interdisciplinary field of scholarly research focusing on the broad relationship between religion and philanthropy. In 2015, the first LINES cohort was convened.

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PhilD Lake Institute Faith & Giving Fellowship

This fellowship is given to support a Professional Doctorate in Philanthropic Leadership (PhilD) student whose Applied Research Project (ARP) and promise of future leadership focuses on issues at the intersection of faith and giving.