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Flood Protection Sandbags with flooded homes in the background

Study analyzes role of religious congregations in disaster relief

originally posted on September 21, 2022 on the Indiana University O’Neill School blog Religious congregations will play a critical role…

Tithe Letterpress

What Is a Tithe? New Data on Perceptions of the 10 Percent

originally published at Barna Group on September 7, 2022 What exactly are Christians’ prevailing views on matters of stewardship and…

Dollars and cents

Despite financial hardships, Americans upped their giving to congregations during pandemic

By Jeff Brumley originally published at Baptist News Global on August 18, 2022 The financial hardships many Americans faced during the COVID-19…

Lake Institute in Hiring

Hiring Associate Director of Engagement

Lake Institute on Faith & Giving – within the first-of-its-kind Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy – invites inquiries,…

Photo by Надя Кисільова/Unsplash/Creative Commons

Studies suggest spiritual practices may prompt people to get off the mat and engage

By Yonat Shimron originally published at Religion News Service on August 18, 2022 (RNS) — For years, spiritual practices such as…

Ambulance in front of ER

Churches are forgiving medical debt

At First Presbyterian Church, in Durham, N.C., forgiving medical debt is about more than helping those in need, or even…

Giving in Faith statistic

2022 Giving in Faith

The last two years have brought considerable change and uncharted territory for us all. Places of worship across the United…

An image of an open bible. Photo Credit: UnSplash / Priscilla du Preez

An octogenarian ponders the post-pandemic church

How do you plan for tomorrow in a fractured, fast-moving and ever-evolving world? asks the founding director of Lake Institute on Faith & Giving at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.

Screen capture of a video of Does Philanthropy Do The Public Good?

Does Philanthropy Do The Public Good?

Philanthropy has long played a key role in our communities on local, national, and global scales. Yet if we have often assumed that giving is good, we must also step back and ask, “good for whom?” In recent years, more voices are raising questions and critically engaging philanthropy and the notions of the public good.

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