Farm Church does not own a church building but instead uses a lot of land from a local nonprofit that they farm each Sunday morning before worshiping together on the same property.
Faithful Generosity Story Shelf
This story collection highlights congregations and other religious groups who are using their assets and resources in creative ways as an expression of faithful giving. Each story is short enough to read and discuss during a committee meeting or other group gathering. Use these accessible vignettes to spark new questions, conversation, and imagination with your leaders about funds, buildings, land, and other resources in your care. If you know a story that should be included in the Story Shelf, suggest it here.
Read stories about:
Investing for Impact
A Pastor’s Jericho in North Carolina
An enterprising pastor in Wilson, North Carolina pushed his congregation to revive its nonprofit and launch a plan to improve seven properties.
Building Black Wealth through Homeownership
Amid calls for reparations, Arlington Community Church launched a foundation to lend interest-free funds to help Black Americans purchase their first home in their community.
From Discernment to Epiphany
Atlanta’s First Presbyterian Church launched a social entrepreneurship program to recognize how God was already moving in their city and to provide business mentorship and financial assistance to aspiring social entrepreneurs.
Innovative Giving
Church Grows a Solution to a Hidden Need
Bethel A.M.E Church of Ardmore responded to food insecurity in their community by starting a garden on their property. The project started with one bed and now has 15 that produced 1,200 pounds of food in 2022.
Flood Becomes Turning Point for AME Church
After a flood did major damage to Bethel Church of Morristown, its pastor had a vision of rebuilding their property with support from outside of the congregation and to meet the needs of the larger community.
The Path to Reparations
Beyond the first step of acknowledgment, some faith communities are taking up concrete reparations as a way of demonstrating authentic repentance for their role in systemic oppression.
Selling/Donating Property
Church Finds Freedom in Selling Property
The congregation of Biltmore United Methodist Church sold their property and is devoting their energy and resources toward responding to Asheville, North Carolina’s most pressing social needs.
A Life Cycle and a Legacy
A rural Tennessee church closes with one final, old-time singing and a donation to a Christian disaster relief agency.
Presbytery Gives Property to Indigenous Group
Hudson River Presbytery transferred the title of former church to the Indigenous-led Sweetwater Cultural Center as a "pledge of partnership" and in an effort to make amends for harm done to Native American populations.
Sharing Property
Manse Becomes a Home for Refugees
A Presbyterian church transforms their unused manse (minister's house) into a home for Afghan refugees, and serve as community for the home's first tenants.
Actors and Acolytes
A NYC church continues its long-term relationship with the theater community and generates needed income by opening rehearsal space.
Cooking up Business in the Church Kitchen
Churches in Wilmington, Delaware share their commercial kitchens so food entrepreneurs can grow their businesses.
Browse more stories:
Atlanta’s First Presbyterian Church launched a social entrepreneurship program to recognize how God was already moving in their city and to provide business mentorship and financial assistance to aspiring social entrepreneurs.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Branch's Baptist Church look to nature to solve environmental, health, and economic problems in Richmond
What began in the '60s as church-based soup kitchen has transformed into an empowering, one-stop shop where visitors can pick out clothing, sign up for groceries, get lunch, register to vote, meet with health department and social service workers, get help with transportation issues, and more.
An English-speaking Seventh-Day Adventist church donates a $1 million dollar property to a Spanish-speaking Seventh-Day Adventist church.
What began as a one-time fundraiser becomes a yearly event for community-building, ministry, kindness, and play.
The Sisters of St. Joseph in Brentwood, New York pursued several land stewardship projects including legal protection for a portion of their land to be used for sustainable farming, investment in solar panel installations, and more.
After a pastor receives a large donation to be used for community ministry, church leadership pursues alliances with local leaders to pay off medical debt.
A baptist church uses building to jump-start new ecumenical congregation and host community organizations.
A Disciples of Christ church faced closure due to declining membership and decided to turn the building over to new leadership to be used as a community hub and incubation space for new faith communities.